September 20, 2024

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North Korea bans red lipstick in women

1 min read

North Korea is a country where people have to follow the rules made by their ruler.
The ruler has made many rules and regulations related to fashion. If people fail to adhere to the rules, they are bound to pay dearly for flouting them.

One of the rules about fashion is the outlaw of the universally-liked red lipstick.

The reason red lipstick is banned in North Korea is that the ‘Supreme’ ruler in the country associates red with capitalism and individualism. It is believed that the colour red represents a feeling that no one is greater than oneself. In such a situation, Kim Jong Un does not want any person in his country to be greater than the ruler.

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According to media reports, patrolling arrangements have been made at various places in North Korea to strictly enforce fashion rules to. The police do not hesitate to check personal belongings for non-compliant behaviours, and there is a provision of a heavy fine if the rules are broken. In a situation like that, women can apply only a light shade of lipstick instead of red.
The rules regarding hair are also stringent in North Korea. Girls cannot keep their hair open or grow it. Only short hair is allowed. Also, you cannot colour or have spikes. However, Kim Jong Un has approved 10 hairstyles for men and 18 hairstyles for women.

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